Release Notes

Release Notes for TestCaddy version  Last Updated: 20 March 2015    For the latest Release Notes version see the TestCaddy website here.

Table of Contents

TestCaddy 1.8.0 Improvements

TestCaddy 1.8 Minor Release addresses a number of bug fixes and adds the following minor new features, building on the Related Tests features of the previous 1.7 release.

Import from Text or CSV File(Advanced)

You can now import Test Cases from other tools and spreadsheets by importing from text file formats including Comma Seperated text files. This is in addition to the existing import from database option.

We make use of the FileHelpers library and the "Run Time Record Class" feature, allowing for many advanced import features. Both the import from database and import from file features are still advanced features and so marked as Alpha. We plan to add a simple import tool in the near future. So if you need to import tests feel free to email our friendly Support Team for help and advice. If you email them an example spreadsheet they can even design mapping files to help you import the tests into TestCaddy free of charge!

Note: You must enable the Import feature (Settings->Import, Enable Alpha Feature) and restart TestCaddy before you can find the Import from Database and Import from File options on the File menu.

Export to Excel added to Export to CSV

The export to CSV feature in TestCaddy has been improved so that the export is now done in three file formats. The current CSV file (with improved layout) and now additionally in Microsoft Excel® (.xls) and Microsoft Excel HTML format (.mhtml).

The Excel format has greatly improved layout for human readability and the CSV format is now better suited to importing into other tools.

The export feature now also exports Related Tests with their final text values (as they would be displayed when you run the test in TestCaddy) so that your Custom Fields and Template Variables can be used.

Paste from Clipboard as Plain Text, HTML in Scrollable Block or a Resizable (ScreeenShot) Image.

When entering text in any of the text fields as well as being able to paste HTML from the clipboard and have it display as HTML, you can now paste as Plain Text or paste as HTML within a block ('Div') which is resizable and scrollable. This allows HTML to be pasted within a controllable area and without breaking formatting for the rest of your text.

If you have a small image in the clipboard you can now paste it directly into your text fields. This is very useful for screenshots.

It pastes as a resizable image with corners that you can drag with your mouse to resize. TestCaddy automatically converts the image from a bitmap to a JPG. Technical: The image is stored inline in the HTML text using the data URI for the img tag's source and hence has a size limit. The default limit on the size of the resulting JPG that you can paste is 128Kbytes.

Note: As always the HTML pasted into text fields has any potentially dangerous scripts removed.

These improved paste options allow more ways to communicate expected results to the person running the test.

TestCaddy 1.7.0 Improvements

WARNING: Please be aware, the upgrade of each Product database to 1.7.0 can typically take about 5 minutes (2000 test or history steps per minute). The progress can be followed by reviewing the log file periodically.

Look and Feel


Shows Item viewing and what type of item it is.  The title of the item you are manipulating is shown in the toolbar.
Three buttons - Work area, Dashboard and User Manual, on the toolbar provide quick access.

Reports button and Improved Reports Window Usability

There is now a button on the toolbar to open the Reports window. This Window has been improved to make it easier to run reports (or graphs).   

The paradigm is that you display an existing graph or create a new one.  Tweak its settings and filter until it shows what you desire.  Then you can 'Save As'  with a new name for future use.

Note: You now have to display a graph before you can save it.

In the Reports window it adds a new tab for every Graph or Report you display. 

As before, Graphs that you have saved previously can then be selected into a Report.  And Reports that you have saved can be added to the Dashboard.

The Dialogs to Manage Graphs and Manage Reports are no longer visible when you first enter the reports window and now have their own button on the Reports toolbar.   And there are also Advanced buttons on the toolbar to manage Report Templates and Graph Sets (AKA graph templates).


We have made the search more visible by placing it on the right of the toolbar.  The search looks for tests in the master test library which contain the text you type.  You can search for test labels or even old IDs from tests you have imported, e.g. 1000.020

Toolbar Sizes and Visibility

The toolbar has two sizes, Large and Small which you can set in View>Layout>Toolbar and you can also turn it off altogether.  It's size is remembered for each of the four layouts, e.g. Running a Test, Selecting Tests and Layout 1 and 2 used for viewing tests.  For example you may like to turn off the  toolbar when running tests.

Resize Test Steps Grid

The Test Steps Grid can now be resized (within limits), to show more steps.  You can't yet minimise it altogether.  It also doesn't yet save your settings between runs of TestCaddy, like it does with the other splitter sizes.

Work Area Button Bar Changes

Quick Run button.

Quick run now has its own button and it is found next to Run Test on the main button bar.  Recall that it is useful for marking failed tests as Deferred or NA.

The Test Label and current status have moved to the top right of the main button bar.  The tooltip on the Current Status also now tells you why the overall test status is marked the way it is, e.g. it can be passed if one or more steps are marked as NA as long as all the other test steps have a status of Passed.

New, Template button

See the section on Related tests below.

New, Right Click Button

Right click icon near to all Tree Views.  Just to help with usability - so that new users remember that many actions are on the right click menu.

Speed of GUI and flickering.

We've done lots of work to improve the speed of the UI and reduce flicker, particularly as it changes mode, e.g. returning from Run Test Mode.  If such actions take any time the progress indicator on the bottom status bar will indicate activity and if actions take longer than 2 seconds we display a "One Moment Please" indicator.

Resizing the windows now happens quickly and without flicker.

Tab Order

The tab order is now more natural, particularly on the Work Area.

Audit Trail and fine grained Test Locking

Improved Test Locking/ Multi User scenarios including adding the Audit Trail.

In effect, we've added a Read Lock to the existing Write Lock.  

Some examples of this in operation ...
Two users can now safely run the same test in different test sets at the same time.  Note they cannot update the Master Test until the other has finished their run.
If one person is running a test a second person can't start editing it.
If one person is editing a test, a second person can't start a run (unless they take over the lock which is not recommended).
If one person is editing a test, a second person can't start editing a test.

The new Audit Trail tab shows all actions for all instances of the test in the Master Test Library and Test Sets.  So you can see who is in the middle of  running it or where it was recently run.  

You can also see exactly what they changed, e.g. A step description.

(In future you'll be able to click through those items and also restore from the audit trail information.)

Custom Fields

General Custom Field grid (blue) added to Test Properties.

Added General custom fields to Test Properties to go with the existing Environment Custom Fields (i.e. on the Test that lives in the Master Test Library you could now create and set  a Custom Field like "ReviewStatus-ToBeReviewed".

Custom Field Available Locations

Specify where the custom field is visible.  There are three locations where a custom field can be made visible,
1. Test Properties

The Custom Field belongs with the Test in the Master Test Library, E.g. Test A in the library should always be run on SQL-2008

2. Test Set Planning  

When a test is in a Test Set, then it has a Planning tab.  You can use this to specify Custom Fields to go along with the assigned tester, e.g. Bob should run Test 1 and the OS custom field is set to Windows8.

3. Run History.  

The Custom Field is used to record Test run information.  It will appear in the Test Description tab when running a Test (or viewing a History item).  For example, the built in Custom Field that the Tester can set to record the environment that they actually ran the test in.

You can set a Custom Field to be visible in one or more locations.

Default Custom Field Values

1.7.0 adds a Default value to custom fields. For example you could set the Default for a General Custom field called "ReviewStatus" to be "ToBeReviewed".  All new Tests would have that status set, until someone reviews the test and manually changes it to "ReviewedOK".

Note: Only new Tests would get the new default status.  Existing Tests can be manually updated as a group (as detailed in the next section).

Setting Custom Fields on multiple Tests as Once.

You can now select multiple Tests in a TreeView (or a parent Functional Area or Top Node) and choose "Set Test Property Custom Fields..."   or "Set Planning Custom Fields...".  This is just like the existing Assign Tester, Assign To Me and UnAssign Tester options.

Note that this version of the grids (blue and green) default to a "No Change" option, so that you can only update the fields you wish to change.  They also have a "(Clear)" option to remove any current Custom Field value setting.

Reviewing Custom Fields in TreeViews

There is a new Advanced Setting called "CustomFields, Highlight Regular Expression".  It takes a list of Custom Field name regular expressions and displays matching Custom Field settings in the title of each Test in the TreeView. So setting it to something like,
will make all tests show their currently set Priority and OS Custom Fields.

Note: You can still also set the Filter to only list say Priority--1 tests.

Related Tests (Template Variables and Shared Steps)

Version 1.7.0 adds support for three sorts of Related Tests to be created: Coupled Tests, Test Set Instances or Linked Tests. The three types provide different options for building on the original test, allowing it to be run across multiple environments, or with slightly different combinations of steps.

Coupled Tests share the same Test Steps, but allow Test Properties and Test Planning differences.

Test Set Instances share the same Test Steps and Test Properties but allow Test Planning differences.  

Linked Tests share just a few Test Steps from another Test and don't share any other test information.

Note: Test Set Instances are not real tests because they are not created in the Master Test Library and can only be created in a Test Set.  They only share the lifetime of the Test Set and hence are useful because they don't clutter your Master Test Library with test variations that are only relevant for one round of testing.

Note:  Versions prior to 1.7.0 had Test Set Instances that were previously called just Instances.

Any Test which has been called by another Test is marked as a Template Test.   We refer to any Test which isn't related as a Plain Test.

Note: We do not currently support multiple recursion other than with Instances which can be made from a Plain Test, Linked Test or  Coupled Test. 

Common Usage Scenarios:

Linked Test Scenario
Linked Tests are useful when a number of tests in your library share common steps.  Simply make a Template Test  before you start and then make your tests and call the Template Test where they need the common steps.

Instance Scenario
If you are building a Test Set and your current project needs two instances of a test, say one to assign to  Tester1 and their Windows 2008 test environment and one to assign to Tester2 and their Windows XP environment, then you can add the test to your Test Set as normal and assign it to Tester1 and then create a Test Set Instance and assign it to Tester2.   A Test Set Instance is useful in this case because you don't need to clutter your Master Test Library with a test for a different environment that may not be needed in future projects.

Coupled Test Scenario
A good time to use a Coupled Test is if you need your Master Test Library to contain two copies of a test which only differ by Custom Field values and you need to remind your team to review these variations of a test. For example, you have the same installation test which should be run on different Operating Systems but you need to remind the team which of those are high priority and which are low. To do this create the first Test and set its Test Property Custom Fields, e.g. OS--Win8 and Priority--High and then create Coupled Tests for the second and third copies etc and set their Test Property Custom Fields to the correct Operating System and Priority, e.g. the second copy might be, OS--WinXP and Priority--Low.

Call Notes

Often if you call a base Template Test from your Linked Tests you need to highlight something to the Tester.  Every Test (or Step) called from your Test has Call Notes  (instead of the Step Description field) which allow you to provide further information on the called steps.

Template Variables

Any Related Test (including the base Template Test)  can accept Custom Field Template Variables in any of its text fields, e.g. the Step Description field.

Each  Template Variable is replaced with the current value of the specified Custom Field.

If you type the { character in any text file in a Related Test then the Code Completion style menu comes up to let you select the Custom Field to use in that variable.

A Step Description field could have the text:

"Install the product on {{OperatingSystem}}"
which includes the Template Variable for the "Operating System" Custom Field.

If you then select the WinXP value for the Operating System Custom Field under Test Properties, the text will change to,
"Install the product on {OperatingSystem: WinXP}"

Note that the single curly braces and the colon followed by the value indicate that the Custom Field value is being shown.  The double curly braces indicate it has not been resolved yet.  If the Custom FIeld value has not been set it will show with an empty value, e.g.

 {OperatingSystem: }

Typically you use such Template Variables in the base Template Test. Then Linked Tests, Instances or Coupled Tests will replace the variable with the value of the Custom Field that is set for them.  For this example a Coupled Test might have the Win8 Operating System Custom Field set, so it would read,
"Install the product on {OperatingSystem: Win8}"

Note: For bug fixes see the Change History section.

TestCaddy 1.6.0 Improvements

New major features include;

Note: For bug fixes see the Change History section.

TestCaddy 1.5.0 Improvements

New major features include;

Note: For bug fixes see the Change History section.

TestCaddy 1.4.3 Improvements

New major features include; 

TestCaddy 1.4.2 Improvements

New major features include; 

TestCaddy 1.4.0 Improvements

TestCaddy 1.4.0 is a rewrite of our old TestOrganiser product.  The Win32 GUI application offers good usability and fast and responsive interface for Testers who rely on their Test Management tool throughout the working day.

TestOrganiser databases can be upgraded, contact TestCaddy technical support for further information.

Product Version Numbers

As of build the build numbering follows this system:

Major Version ( - A Major Release

A change in the major version number means a large update to functionality has been made with new features added. This resets the numbers of the lower levels.

Minor Version ( - A Minor Release

A change in this number means  updates to features as well as bug fixes.  Or a database schema change has occurred (will be noted in these Release Notes). This resets the numbers of the lower levels.

Maintenance Version ( - A Maintenance Release

A change in this number means only bug fixes have been made.

Build Number (x.x.x.731)

The build number is the revision that the source control is up to, this number does not reset.

Note: Any version number can reach multiple digits.

Known Issues

Issues we don't like and will address ASAP:
TC-982 Custom Fields, Database Copy, Fails to copy Property and Planning CFs with tests.
TC-983 Assignee, Planning tab, field is showing and set to default user when Run a test and return to the Planning tab.
TC-980 Custom Fields, If you Add/Delete/Mark Unavailable in CF Manager, when you exit the currently displayed test grid is not yet updated.

TC-690 Improvement: No locking on Instances. Instances should only be locked during the time period of changing details of the Master Test.
TC-716 Search by Custom Fields using the character '%'  results in an exception.

Quirks or small issues waiting for an appropriate time to be fixed.  Let us know if they bother you and we'll look to address them sooner:
TC-691 'Attempt renumbering FA labels' and 'Fix broken FA Labels' does not work from the TopTestSet  folder.
TC-604 JIRA Tickets can now be logged when running a test but there are still some potential operations which won't make sense that we could try to block.
TC-587 Multiple TC running at once.  Order of closing TestCaddy screens affects which filter is in use the next time that tester logs in to TestCaddy.
TC-593 Option to install SQL is still available in package without SQL.

If you wish to report an issue click here.

Please be as informative as possible and attach the TestCaddy log (refer to Knowledge Base article for log file location)

Change History

Internal Release 20 March 2015 - 1.8.2 Minor Release - Beta3

Note some issues are repeated due to further work of the ticket since the previous beta release.

TC-1497 Fixed Bug: Export fails to create any files when a single TS is selected in projects view.

TC-1507 Fixed: Code Sign Certificate added.

Internal Release 8 December 2014 - 1.8.1 Minor Release - Beta2

Note some issues are repeated due to further work of the ticket since the previous beta release.

TC-825 Fixed Bug: If you create a new ticket while in Select tests menu it will be added to your Test Set even if it is not ticked. The test now shows as selected (ticked) after being added.

TC-1479 Fixed Bug: Active Test Set, Treeview2 sometimes doesn't fill the whole window.

TC-1475 Fixed Bug: Text fields, paste from Microsoft apps is now pasting as an image when user is expecting an html table
Internal Release 24 October 2014 - 1.8.0 Minor Release - BETA 1

Note some issues are repeated due to further work of the ticket since the previous beta release.

TC-1429 [Prospective Customer] To be able to export to Excel in a nice format [able to trial TestCaddy and go back to usable spreadsheets if I don't proceed]

Export now produces a CSV (.csv) file, Excel (.xls) and MHTML (.xls.mhtml) version of the output. The CSV data is optimized for importing into a tool, whereas the xls output is optimized for readability and the ability to use the resulting spreadsheet for recording manual testing (should you wish to).
Related Tests are now correctly exported. Additionally the TestPurpose and TestNotes fields are also exported as a row above the Test Steps in the Excel version of the export.

TC-1430 [Prospective Customer] To be able to import my Tests from CSV [able to try TestCaddy with my own tests]

TC-1431 [Tester] Ability to paste a screenshot into a text field [so able to record expected result or actual result quickly and easy for person running test to get more information]

Maximum sized controlled by new advanced setting, 'HtmlTextBoxes, ImageInlineSrcMaxBytes'. Default of 200KBytes.

TC-1338 Give a "Paste plain text" option when on HtmlEditor and a 'paste in DIV' option.

HTML for the Div controlled by new advanced setting, 'HtmlTextBoxes, PasteInDivHtml'

TC-1454 Fixed Bug: Unhandled Exception in DockPanelSuite, when change layout and have minimised tool windows (treeviews).
TC-1108 Fixed Bug: Gui, Double tooltips everwhere like CF planning etc. Makes user lose trust in product.

TC-1095 Fixed Bug: Quick Run, Customer reports carriage returns in the quick run text are lost when you later view the test results.

TC-1452 Fixed Bug: Import, fix bug where editing a test removes \n's from ImportNotes

TC-1474 Fixed Bug: Encoding used on audit trail is doing license encoding which is very slow for large data like pasted images

Internal Release 22 Sept 2014 - 1.7.1 Maintenance Release
WARNING: Please be aware, the upgrade of each Product database to 1.7.x can typically take about 5 minutes (2000 test or history steps per minute). The progress can be followed by reviewing the log file periodically.

Note some issues are repeated due to further work of the ticket since the previous beta release.    

TC-1429 [Prospective Customer] To be able to export to Excel in a nice format [able to trial TestCaddy and go back to usable spreadsheets if I don't proceed]

Internal Release 5 Jun 2014 - 1.7.1 Maintenance Release
WARNING: Please be aware, the upgrade of each Product database to 1.7.x can typically take about 5 minutes (2000 test or history steps per minute). The progress can be followed by reviewing the log file periodically.

Note some issues are repeated due to further work of the ticket since the previous beta release.    

TC-1426 - As a user with a remote (400ms ping) SQL database I want the full refresh of a Product DB to take 2 seconds not 10 seconds so that I can work productively
   No longer refresh Dashboard unless visible. May occasionally mean Dashboard won't update unless you manully click the Dashboard Refresh button.
   Per user settings (particularly layout settings) are now cached and written to DB on exit.

Internal Release 28 May 2014 - 1.7.1 Maintenance Release
WARNING: Please be aware, the upgrade of each Product database to 1.7.x can typically take about 5 minutes (2000 test or history steps per minute). The progress can be followed by reviewing the log file periodically.

Note some issues are repeated due to further work of the ticket since the previous beta release.    

TC-1426 - As a user with a remote (400ms ping) SQL database I want the full refresh of a Product DB to take 2 seconds not 10 seconds so that I can work productively

Internal Release 25 March 2014 - 1.7.0 Minor Release
WARNING: Please be aware, the upgrade of each Product database to 1.7.0 can typically take about 5 minutes (2000 test or history steps per minute). The progress can be followed by reviewing the log file periodically.

Note some issues are repeated due to further work of the ticket since the previous beta release.    

TC-1394 - Audit Trail, Test Set is GUID not TS id, e.g. 201 instead of 3 in demo data
TC-1392 - Deleting a Test that is called from a Coupled or Linked Related test does not affect the related tests, they should give error that called test is deleted.
TC-1388 - Run Test, Run Notes not editable.
TC-1385 - Folder, Delete, Unhandled Exception
TC-1373 - Coupled Test, only showing first three steps (and they're out of date) when parent test has been updated and shows correctly in MTL, maybe due to step deleted
TC-1369 - Config Wizard, First Product Database name field doesn't allow underscore in the product db name when the main db manager does. The examples on that page can't be used.
TC-1368 - Audit Trail, Run Test where it has been run and updated by someone else or parent of coupled test edited and audit trail thinks all steps removed and added again.
TC-1367 - Install, No MSI3.1 or DotNet2.0, using WithSQL package, during DotNet 35SP1 install it complains no MSI3.1. We should install the MSI4.5 first!
TC-1366 - Continue Run, Coupled Test, called steps have lost their current status
TC-1364 - HtmlTextBox, script error "Object doesn't support property ormethod 'focus'"
TC-1356 - leaving empty htmltextbox inserts <br>, which later often causes a blank line above the first item you type or says a test has changed when it hasn't.
TC-1354 - Layouts not saving from run and back again.
TC-1352 - Click in text field and horizontal scroll bar moves away from where it was put. Annoying when screen small on run test.
TC-1351 - Edit Test, New Linked Step, eLogInternal "FormExplore - exception trying to clear error:Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
TC-1350 - Continue Run, eLogInternal "GetVersionBuildString - failed to lookup version and build. Exception:Input string was not in a correct format."
TC-1349 - Continue Run on history item when haven't clicked on parent test results in message about test being out of date and elogInternal "CreateCopyOfTestStepsAsHistorySteps - test copying from does not have steps populated yet!"
TC-1347 - Audit Trail, Toastr error when trying to clear error when first start on dogfood server and click on empty test set in top level
TC-1345 - TestSetInstance, right click planning setting not setting
TC-1344 - WorkArea tab titles say Historic Definition after clicking on history item and then moving off to a normal test.
TC-1342 - Multiple Screen Support, Environment pop up doesn't open on second screen where TC is running
TC-1333 - Website, Browser compatibility listed in requirements
TC-1272 - HtmlEditor, if on a template test <br> tags are placed in a field when you change focus away
TC-1265 - No longer get colors on the test step status when running a test, used to be bold and green/red/etc.. now is just plain text.
TC-1181 - Improve the PleaseWait message and GUI thread blocking.
TC-800 - When using ctrl-a to select text from an html box when it is read only, when you copy the text it also copies the textbox

Internal Release 24 Feb 2014 - Beta 2

Note some issues are repeated due to further work of the ticket since the previous beta release.    

[TC-991] - When top test is selected and moved down, it cannot be moved up again after.
[TC-1001] - QuickRun, Never allow a quick run to 'update the master test' as if it is a prompting for this it is a bug and it will replace all the test steps with the single Quick Run step
[TC-1005] - Quick Run, Cancelling Env check dialog reverts to Full Run screen but with Quick Run steps rather than cancelling the quick run
[TC-1139] - Edit or Run Test, If your test is not refreshed we are no longer noticing that the master test has been edited by someone else and their changes can be overwritten and in the case of Editing lost altogether.
[TC-1179] - Save and cancel do not resize correctly with main window
[TC-1291] - If you run a test and bomb out then on your next run of the test you won't be able to push forward your changes
[TC-1207] - Audit Trail, Ability to clear left over read locks in the audit trail.
[TC-1212] - Please Wait Issues, Clicking for you
[TC-1274] - Cursor switching between loading circle and normal cursor is fighting/"spazzy"
[TC-1289] - SQL error when trying to copy Database
[TC-1297] - No locking to prevent user from changing the assignee on a test that is being edited by another user
[TC-1301] - Audit Trail tab is disappearing on tests
[TC-1303] - Right click setting of planning doesn't record the change in the audit trail, which can lead to editing an out of date test
[TC-1312] - Please wait coming in front of message boxes
[TC-1318] - Too much logging makes following changes impossible, e.g. "returning estimate of sql server UTC time..."
[TC-1319] - Setting MTL Properties on test in FA results in wrong item being selected on Dogfood database. [TCVersion143 / Master Test Set / 1100.110 - {{InstallType}} of {{Package}} on {{OS}}, installs local {{SQL}} | http://tc01:8050/TCVersion143/Master%20Test%20
[TC-1320] - Move up way too slow when refreshing tests, suspect sql async query changes
[TC-1323] - Allow dots in CF values and names as valid word character. Are Customers already using them?
[TC-1325] - Template Variables, Editing Coupled or Linked Test, Title box should show non var replaced version with var replaced version as tool tip. Currently you accidentally edit inside the Coupled var and then loose your changes when you move off.
[TC-1326] - Default HTML text size too small. Add in user setting with default for when user does not set for the body tag.
  Added advanced user settings,
  "Fontsize, HtmlTexBoxes, Default" and set to a default of 9 instead of the previous hard coded 10 font size
  "FontStyle, HtmlTexBoxes, Default" and set to a default of Microsoft Sans Serif.
[TC-1339] - SQL Async Calls are 4 times slower than Synchronous calls
[TC-1341] - Custom Fields, Defaults, If one default is set for a CF used in planning then going into Select Tests causes lots of CFTree recursions and logs defaults hundreds of times
[TC-1290] - Update manual regarding Related Tests and Template Variables
[TC-1241] - Toolbar, Put test title and currently selected item's status on the toolbar
[TC-1306] - Rename Clone to Coupled Test and Test Set Clone to Test Set Instance etc
[TC-1335] - Website, Uninstall on download page and in FAQ
[TC-1336] - Website, We create Reg keys in our product, information to be added on these on the install and FAQ firm downloads page. No bundled software or adware.

Internal Release 5 Feb 2014 - Beta 1

TC-1297    No locking to prevent user from changing the assignee on a test that is being edited by another user
TC-1285    Pressing "Shift+ ?" causes an unhandled exception
TC-1272    HtmlEditor, if on a template test <br> tags are placed in a field when you change focus away
TC-1263    FormExplore shows a particular kind of test (e.g. Template) based on the current test type
TC-1259    Can't create Test Specific CFs when on a related test (Clone or Linked)
TC-1252    A {Built in:} replacement followed by another variable means the second variable is lost when you change your focus
TC-1241    Toolbar, Put test title and currently selected item's status on the toolbar
TC-1234    Using code complete CF's with certain characters (-,_, etc.) mean they disappear when changing fields
TC-1233    Restrict CF names and values to numbers, letters or underscore or minus.
TC-1230    Test Specific CF's are not available in History Run even when they have been ticked in the manager
TC-1228    Zip's are being added to installation folder when they shouldn't (, consider taking out ZedGraph.xml and log4net.xml
TC-1227    Enter test in a field (Description, expected etc.) and without leaving the field click save, changes are not saved
TC-1207    Audit Trail, Ability to clear left over read locks in the audit trail.  Note: This is done by forcing the lock when editing or running the test.
TC-1194    Related Tests, Instances should show Description and expected etc. not Call Notes
TC-1183    Coupled test, StepImportNotes and Step Tips are not populated with parents data
TC-1181    Improve the PleaseWait message and GUI thread blocking.
TC-1179    Save and cancel do not resize correctly with main window
TC-1178    Test Steps, Need a unique ID so can be referenced in template tests and not affected by reorder and delete. Also to track changes for the audit trail.
TC-1163    Testcaddy crashes on Win7Ult x64
TC-1160    Template Tests MAJOR ISSUE, Linked Steps, Changing a linked test steps order breaks its link
TC-1139    Edit or Run Test, If your test is not refreshed we are no longer noticing that the master test has been edited by someone else and their changes can be overwritten and in the case of Editing lost altogether.
TC-1131    Main and report toolbars are losing items in the wrong order when resizing
TC-1120    Fix "ERROR: runSQLCommand didn't affect any rows - is this bad?" e.g. when backup database
TC-1117    TC-1094 DOCUMENTATION, add FAQ about Report HTML templates
TC-1116    TC-1094 DOCUMENTATION, add FAQ about GraphSet editing.
TC-1113    Template Tests, What can you make from what and if call a step which calls a step including what Specific CFs to show!
TC-1112    Related Tests should have their own icons for each of Coupled, Linked and Instances
TC-1106    Test Steps, Grid needs to be resizable as sometimes only three steps show. Summary Tab ticket TC-647 may help this.
TC-1096    [Tester] Ability to see quickly which tests have which CFs set, e.g. a Test Property of Priority, when looking at many tests in the TreeView, so that I can quickly review which tests I've set Priority on or not without clicking individual tests.  Refer new Advanced Setting: "CustomFields, Highlight Regular Expression"

TC-1085    Reports, Update Reports User Manual section which covers at least Dashboards, Saved Graphs and Saved Reports and Graph Sets.
TC-1075    Template Tests, Title bits and pieces
TC-1074    Template Tests, CF variable replacement working for Planning and Run CF selection as it does for Properties now. DEPENDENT on TC-1057
TC-1070    Install, package with SQL fails to installs SQL on Windows 2003 SP1, increase pre-reqs to SP2
TC-1069    Template Tests, Linked Tests, Nice GUI for selecting linked test and step NOT cross technology yet 
TC-1056    Template Tests, Review Instances in particular template variables, this might need splitting
TC-1052    DOCUMENTATION, Spelling, Synch should be Sync
TC-1050    Custom Fields, GUI, Right Click Menu, New Drop Down etc should be New Custom Field or New Custom Field Value etc
TC-1049    Spelling, Synch should be Sync
TC-1045    Custom Fields, the grids pop up when you just move on/off the field, e.g. by tabbing
TC-1043    HtmlTextBox, Copy - Unhandled Exception  (e.g. in Description field)
TC-1042    Logo and Icons, Update on website
TC-1041    Logo and Icons, Update in product to new orange versions
TC-1033    Environment and General Custom Fields pop-ups when running test should not go off the screen.
TC-1032    Textbox, Pasting of formatted text and some text in angle brackets now gets messed up due to not being HTML compliant
TC-1025    Custom Fields, can't have more than 30 DropDownItems in a custom field.
TC-1005    Quick Run, Cancelling Env check dialog reverts to Full Run screen but with Quick Run steps rather than cancelling the quick run
TC-1004    Custom Fields, Edit History, Test Properties should be read only. Currently updating doesn't result in prompt to update master test.
TC-1003    Custom Fields, FIlters, Filter description is missing the list of Custom Fields selected when you only select Run History and have never selected Planning to filter on
TC-1002    Install, PreVista, Msg about MSI and DotNet incorrect shows even when highest dotnet < 3 even if dotnet 2 is installed.
TC-1001    QuickRun, Never allow a quick run to 'update the master test' as if it is a prompting for this it is a bug and it will replace all the test steps with the single Quick Run step
TC-1000    Custom Fields, Filter Dialog, Text Search checkboxes disappear, preventing Test Search to work
TC-999    Custom Fields, Filter Dialog logging error as the statuses checkboxes load pre loading the filter values: ERROR: listViewByStatus_ItemChecked tag not set
TC-985    Installer, The start menu Link to the manual is broken
TC-970    Custom Fields, If Edit History without displaying Environment Custom Field grid (Green) then saved History item loses run CF setting
TC-956    Custom Fields, DropDowns marked as Not Available still show on Grids
TC-955    Custom Fields, Unhandled Exception when trying to delete Custom Field "Cannot find column [HistoryRunCFIDs]."
TC-952    Copy and Paste, Selecting multiple tests and copying into same FA results in some copies of tests without test steps
TC-950    Provide Import step by step guide including field descriptions so CustomerA ready to import all old projects into their TC
TC-922    On refresh your Active set and Project set selections are lost, makes it very hard to use two TestCaddy instances at once when adding new tests.
TC-829    Tab order for run/edit test and Jira configuration menu are wrong
TC-732    RETEST - Tidy all the notes links
TC-730    Jira Authentication, Can I login as another user by entering my jira username and password? We should block changing jira username on the login page.
TC-677    [Tester] Allow setting of Custom Fields and assignee for multiple tests at once (show when multiselect) so that I can assign for all tests in one TestSet, FA or just few tests
TC-660    When import settings are loaded the custom field preview button is not run to show the preview
TC-659    .dll files are not being installed so import is making an unhandled exception.
TC-654    RETEST - BranchFeatureImport, Fix broken FA labels sometimes (reproduction steps unknown) fills in a numbering gap instead of creating a new number larger than the largerst present.
TC-579    Switch Login, JIRA Auth Enabled, When I select a different user and try to login TC fails to save user's data to database.
TC-200    Ability to delete a Test from a Test Set by right clicking

Beta 1 Release 17 Oct 2013



Buglets (internal release bugs, fixed before release)

Internal Release 19 Sept 2013



Internal Release 4 Sept 2013




Internal Release 10 Sept 2013




Internal Release 4 Sept 2013




Maintenance Release 16 May 2013

Minor Release 10 April 2013

Fixed Bugs

Maintenance Release 22 March 2013

Maintenance Release 12 March 2013

    TC-952 Fixed Bug: Copy and Paste, Selecting multiple tests and copying into same Functional Area results in some copies of tests without test steps
  - Issue is for Tests not recently clicked on the test steps have not been retrieved from the database.
  - Old Workaround: Click on each test to see test steps before you copy it. You'll have to repeat this after a refresh or after another paste (which also does a refresh)
    TC-956 Fixed Bug: Custom Fields, DropDowns marked as Not Available still show on Grids
  - If you mark a Custom Field as Not Available then you are indicating that it should not be used in future.
  - This means in general it will not display on the various green and blue Custom Field grids (found in Run History, Test Properties and Test Planning)
  - If you have just marked a Custom Field's option as Not Available, e.g. Win98 under the OS Custom Field, then just that option will not be shown.
  - Some further specific cases are...
  -- The Not Available option is already set on a Test: If you do any action on a test (Edit, Run, Edit History etc) and the Custom Field or one of its options that is "Not Available" has previously been set on the Test, then the Custom Field will be displayed and marked "Not Available"
  -- BUT you will NOT be able to select a Not Available option and save the Test or Test Run. Generally the correct action will be to select the Empty option, i.e. don't select anything for that Custom Field, before saving.
  -- One exception to this: Editing History items.   You can always save Edits to a history item with Custom Fields marked Not Available as long as you don't edit that Custom Field.  E.g. if you edited a History item which has OS-Win98 selected and you have since marked the Win98 as Not Available.  So long as you don't change the OS setting, then you can still edit the history item as OS-Win98 and change something about the History Item like editing the Actual Result field.
   - Reports: If you mark a Custom Field or one of its options as Not Available you will still find it in Filters and Reports so that you can run reports on that historic information.
   - Note that Deleted items will not show in Filters and Reports or be an option you Save anywhere. If you look at a Test with a Deleted item still selected it will be marked "Deleted".
     TC-970 Fixed Bug:  Custom Fields, If Edit History without displaying Environment Custom Field grid (Green) then saved History item loses Custom Field information recorded with the Run.
     TC-955 Fixed Bug:  Custom Fields, Unhandled Exception when trying to delete Custom Field "Cannot find column [HistoryRunCFIDs]."
     TC-962 Fixed Bug:  Custom Fields, Long custom field value names are truncated in the drop downs.
  - This is an initial safe fix for the maintenance release. TC-976 has been logged to add proper tooltips and a smarter algorithm around handling long Custom Field value names.
  - Added setting, "CustomFields, Max ComboBox Width".  If you set it to a value of say 300 then TestCaddy will automatically grow the combobox width above the standard 120 pixels up to that maximum.
  - Note that it also grows the entire green/blue panel to fit so hence don't set the maximum too large.
  - In future we expect this setting will be on by default with a value around 300.

Minor Release 25 January 2013

Added new database version 13.SQL
        - Note: Your database will be required to upgrade to this new version if you wish to use the latest builds, this will take a while.    
    TC-859 Fixed. When copying database, SQL error is displayed.
    TC-860 Fixed. Editing, running or continue running a test should check for not available or deleted custom fields and should not let the user save.
    TC-865 Fixed. Custom Field items with type root should not be allowed to be changed to another type.
    TC-871 Fixed. Last used General Custom fields are not displayed when running a test.
    TC-875 Fixed. Sql error on clean install, DB creation
    TC-876 Fixed. There is an option to expand node on tests that don't have any history item associated with them. 
    TC-886 Fixed. General Customfield panel not correctly pre-populated with values from last run
    TC-944 Fixed. If you run a test and select Env custom fields, and save run, then Change Product Database, and then run a test that hasn't been run before the Env field is showing the last values you set in the other Product DB and if you click on the Env field then th
    TC-913 Improvement. Custom Field Filter dialogue, Turn off text entry

Minor Release 6 December 2012

    TC-863 Fixed. When resetting a Custom Field set as (INVALID TYPE) you have the ability to set it as either a dropdown or a folder even if it has a dropdownitem as a child.
    TC-751 Fixed. Ability to filter on environment and general custom fields according to settings in the Planning tab
    TC-876 Fixed. There is an option to expand node on tests that don't have any history item associated with them.
    TC 882 Fixed. Selecting a DropDown and cutting it and pasting it onto its parent deletes the Custom Field
    TC 892 Fixed. Right click menu, Custom Fields, No cut toolbar tip
    TC-912 Improvement: Last used filter should go to the top of the list if it is used again.
    TC-913 Improvement: Custom Field Filter dialogue, Turned off text entry

Minor Release 13 September 2012

    TC-856 Improvement:  New Layout and functionality to Manage Custom Fields Form.
    TC-886 Fixed. General Custom Field panel is populated with the pre-set values from last when recording a Test.

Minor Release 1 September 2012
    TC-751 Added new database version 12.SQL
        - Note: Your database will be required to upgrade to this new version if you wish to use the latest builds, this will take a while.

Minor Release 15 August 2012

    TC-751 and TC-822 Improvement:  Ability to filter on planned environment and general custom fields .

Minor Release 27 July 2012

    TC-856 Improvement:  Added right-click functionality to custom fields in Manage Custom Fields for better usablility.

Minor Release 1 September 2012
    TC-835 Adding delete to Manage Custom Fields in order to remove items.
    TC-854 Update the EULA for the installer, config wizard, website.
    TC-855  Have made the RecheckCheckedFANodes function disable and re-enable the checkboxes.

Minor Release 12 July 2012

    TC-792 Improvement:  General Custom Fields are now available in Test Run, Continue Run and Edit Histrory.
    TC-836 Improvement: Adding a linklabel which links to GeneralCustomField panel in TestPropertiesPanel
 to enhance navigation.
   TC-751 Improvement: Ability to filter on environment and general custom fields according to settings in the Planning tab .

Minor Release 5 July 2012

    TC-841Fixed. General Custom Fields on 'Historic Test Properties'  panel are not saved when editing a History Item.

Minor Release 5 July 2012

    TC-792 Imporvement to Manage Custom Fields.
    TC-836 Improvement: Added link label for General Custom Fields Panel.
    TC-818 Fixed. When copying a folder in Project Tree on itself it resulted in a loop and freezes.
    TC-786  Improvement. Escape key unselects text.

Minor Release 18 June 2012

    TC-706 Fixed. Environment window does not disappear on first close.
    TC-783 Further improvements to HTMLEditor when selecting text
    TC-787 Fixed. Right-click in the source view of the HTMLEditor  text fields brings up the  toolbar as well.
    TC-786  Improvement. Escape key unselects text.

Minor Release 12 June 2012

    TC-785 Further improvements to HTMLEditor.

Minor Release 12 June 2012

    TC-773 Further improvements to HTMLEditor.

Minor Release 11 June 2012

    TC-683 Fixed the CPU loop problem.
    TC-633 Improvement.   
    Having the input focus on the text fields 'Description' or 'Expected' the following shortcuts are available now.
        - ctrl-p(Pass the current Test)
        - ctrl-f (Fail the current Test)
       - ctrl-n(New Test)
        - ctr-a(select all)
        - ctrl-b(bold)
        - ctrl-i(italic)
        - ctrl-u(underline)
    TC-767 Fixed. Running a test will no longer asl for updating the Master TestSet without having changed the step description and
    expected step results. There is a right-click function on the Master TestSet available 'FixHTML' which fixes this.

Minor Release 31 May 2012

    TC-633 Improvement.   
    HTMLTextEditor toolbar is not visible by default and comes up on right click.
    Added the custom color option in ColorDialog. Defined custom colors are saved per user and can be re-used in ColorDialog.
Minor Release 20 May 2012

    TC-761 Fixed. On 'Run Test' it always asked to update Master Test. Now added a function 'Fix HTML' to clean imported data from html tags.   

Minor Release 24 April 2012
    TC-744 You can now log a Jira ticket against a Test Instance or link an existing Jira ticket against a Test Instance. TestCaddy records the         instance ID and Test Set ID for the Jira tickets so that it can highlight tickets logged for the currently selected Test Instance and also show         tickets from other Test Sets in light gray and tickets from other instances in the same Test Set as dark gray.
    TC-747 It is now much harder to remove Tests from a test set when in Select Tests. They can also be removed by Right Click option in the         normal view. Removing a test writes a NA history record for that test, but that is not much help for a test Instance (further work needed).             There is a per user setting of "Permission, UnSelect Tests" which if set to false disables all removal of tests from test sets.
    TC-755 Fixed. Was not showing test instances if they were the only item in a Functional Area.
    TC-754 Fixed. Not showing tests in Select Tests if the instance is selected but the parent test isn't. So if you added an instance and selected     into a set but didn't add the parent test too, on returning to Select Tests the parent test was not visible or selectable.
    TC-756 Fixed. New Test Instance IDs are only unique in the test set for that test. An instance of the same parent test in another test set will         reuse instance ids, 1, 2, 3 etc.

Minor Release 24 April 2012

    TC-740 Fixed. 'StepImportNotes' and 'StepTips' showing the right content now.
    TC-685 Fixed. Instances show Jira Tickets of parent Test.

Minor Release 23 April 2012

    TC-732 Fixed. Relocated Notes fields.
    TC-726 Fixed: First part of this filter is enabled in 'Selected Tests'.

Minor Release 23 April 2012

    TC-687 Fixed: The content of all rows in ImportForm can be seen now.

Minor Release 20 April 2012

    TC-735 Fixed: The custom field panel does not show all available custom fields when invoked through right-click from environment text field.
    TC-736 Fixed: Selected data in 'Planning tab' is lost when switching between tabs while editing a Test.

Minor Release 19 April 2012

    TC-686 Fixed: 'Planning tab' controls lose user selected information when scrolling.
    TC-733 Fixed: Editing a functional area stopped with an Exception.
    TC-734 Improvement: Added right-click menu option to copy the link to a test or history item's parent test to the clipboard so the user can paste it into a Jira ticket.

Minor Release 18 April 2012

    TC-721 Fixed: 'TestDefinition' and 'TestProperties' of Instances should be read only
    TC-691 Fixed: 'AttemptRenumbering FA labels' and 'Fix Broken FA labels' right-click menu options are only available in the Master Test Set and on a TopNode TestSet in 'Active Set' panel.
    TC-684 Fixed: Update MasterTestSet only when appropriate.
    TC-723 CustomFields should be sorted alphabetically

Minor Release 17 April 2012

    TC-714 Fixed: Editing a history item and saving it will not save the edited test purpose and notes (which are the RunNotes).
    TC-705 Fixed: Once environment has been set there is no way to not have the environment set.  
    TC-713, TC-704, TC-701  Occasional error when saving changes to a History item.  Also Continue test run failing to save.
    TC-708 Editing a history item then cancelling your change leaves you stuck in edit history until you go to the planning tab.
Minor Release 16 April 2012

    TC-654 Fixed: Filter by Custom Fields is working correctly.
    TC-669 Feature: Added search for a specific text, e.g. for a specific imported item by searching for an OldID number.

Minor Release 12 April 2012

    TC-653 Fixed: When adding imported FunctionalAreas to a TestSet some of the FunctionalAreas do not show ImportNotes correctly.
    TC-676 Fixed: After Import the types of the CustomFields are not showing the imported type data in Form CustomFieldManager.
    Database Revision: No change 9.

Minor Release 11 April 2012

Major Release 10 January 2012

    TC-28 Fixed: TestCaddy will now detect whether you have the correct .NET version (2.0 or 3.5.1) and install it for you if you don't.
    TC-212 Fixed: Multiple Jira integration issues.
    TC-567 Fixed: Resizing window for edit history affects button layout (version field).
    TC-571 Fixed: Linking test to Jira ticket information issue when switching between tests.
    TC-576 Fixed: TestCaddy no longer uses Internet Explorer Proxy settings by default when accessing Jira RPC API, it is now an option in the Jira configuration dialogue.
    TC-578 Fixed: Jira crash because of permissions issues.
    TC-581 Fixed: Database creation problems on first install.
    TC-600 Fixed: When new Jira ticket is being issued buttons for other tests are now disabled.
    TC-607 Improvement: When Jira authentication is enabled URL changes are disabled to prevent users being locked out of TestCaddy.
    TC-114 Feature: Support for Windows 7 operating system.
    TC-254 Feature: Docking Windows now offered.
    TC-501 Feature: New graph feature.
    TC-88 Feature: Reporting feature.
    TC-79 Feature: Jira Integration.


Beta Release 3 April 2011
    TC-5 Fixed: Switching login now resets views, reports etc.
    TC-14 Fixed: Keyboard navigation, tabbing while running test now lands on actual field.
    TC-20 Fixed: Test inherits most recent status.
    TC-55,TC-250 Fixed: Multiple layout and dialogue box errors.
    TC-57 Fixed: When two users run the same test there is now a warning message that explains the locking process.
    TC-88 Fixed: Multiple graph and reports errors.        
    TC-105 Improvement: Restructured TestCaddy to have a more .dll based approach.
    TC-203 Improvement: Configuration Wizard now opens straight after end of TestCaddy installation.
    TC-228 Improvement: Description field is now user editable in creating, editing or running a test.
    TC-268 Improvement: When reports table is expanded focus is moved to it.
    TC-276 Improvement: Filter now enables multiselect.
    TC-270 Feature: Quick run button has been added.
    TC-110 Feature: Added Inline reporting which includes Dashboard and active set filtering.
    TC-280 Feature: Option to filter tests to display only those assigned to a specified user.

Major Release 8 April 2010
    TO-300 Improvement: Changed Installer to Tarma Installer for better upgrade support.
        - Also installer will now try to download DotNet 2.0 prerequisite if box has internet access.
        - Change: The default installation directory is now c:\program files\TestCaddy (not c:\program files\Tamihai\TestCaddy). On 64 bit it is c:\program files (x86)\...
        - Installer will prevent install if TestCaddy.exe is in use
        - Upgrades are now handled correctly, displaying from and to version.
        - Downgrades are supported. User will receive warning but will be allowed to continue. (no warning on silent installs)
        - Installer will display a Finish page after clean install and upgrade and offer to start TestCaddy
    TO-305 Fixed: Versions, Add new version on new Product Database with demo data, SQL Error on save.
    TO-318 Fixed: Forms, minimum sizes not set on all forms. Fixed by setting a min size or making some dialogs not resizable.

Minor Release 16 January 2010
    TO-291 Fixed: Some databases after migration from old TestOrganiser showing tests as TEST INACTIVE.
    TO-291 Fixed: Multi-user Concurrency Issues, if treeview isn't refreshed, a user can work with deleted items.
    TO-298 Fixed: On Exit, if a test is being run, prompt to save the run before exiting the application. This stops so many tests ending up in a locked state.

Copyright TestCaddy (Tamihai Ltd) 2014